Cat Facts -interesting facts about cats
Cat facts: cats are one of the most popular pets and in this article you will know some interesting facts of cats and you will understand your cat better by knowing this facts
#40 Cat Facts - facts about cats
1. Nose pad.You might see this everyday, but don't notice
about how amazing the cat's nose pad is.Every cat's nose pad, or sometimes called
nose leather, has unique characteristics andpatterns.Same like us, humans, that don't have the
same fingerprints, it's a fact that no twocats noseprints are alike.
2: Cat.'s Heartbeat.Cats are often called lazy animals since they
spend most of the time in their life sleeping,resting, grooming and eating.But one strange fact is that a cat's heart
is not lazy.Cat's heart beat rate is between 140 and 220
times per minute with a relaxed cat on thelower end of the scale.This means a cat's heart can beat twice as
fast as human.Number
3: Calico Cat.You can try to impress other by guessing the
gender of a cat and always come up with correctanswers if you see a calico cat.Calico cats are almost always female.This kind of cat can be easily identified
by looking at its colored coat which is whitewith patches of two other colors, orange,
and black.These happen because of genetic detemination
which involves the x chromosomes
4.The Tail Wag.We all know that dog is not the only one that
wags its tail, cat also does too.But unlike a dog that wags its tail when it
is excited, cat wags its tail when there isan internal conflict within.For example, when you open your door on a
rainy day, your cat may wag its tail becausein one side your cat wants to go outside but
in the other, your kitty doesn't want to getwet.Once the cat makes a decision either staying
inside or going out, the tail will immediatelystop wagging.Number
5: The Name Cat.The word 'cat' actually derives from an old
English Word 'catt' where the source is fromlatin 'catus' meaning 'domestic cat'.But the interesting thing is, when you see
a group of cats you call them "Clowder"There are also other terms to call the kitty.A male cat, when neutered, is called a "gib"
but when not, is called a "tom".And if you see a female cat, you call her,
6: Cat Door.Cat door is very helpful for our furry friends
to get in and out of the house without ushaving to open and close the door The urban legend says that the one who invented
the cat door was Isaac Newton since we know,unlike in the U.S, in United Kingdom, seventy
percent of cats have access to the outdoor.In the story, it says that he didn't like
to keep his cats in his chamber as it mightdisturb him or it might make the cats bored.It's kind of cool to know that the person
who discovered the laws of gravity and themotion of planets also invented the cat door
7: Kissing?.You've probably seen this hundreds of times.When two cats meet, they seem to get closer
to each other and act like they are kissing.Most of the time people think that they do
this because they love each other but theydo this to greet just like humans do by shaking
8. Every year about 4 million cats are eaten in asia
9. cats cannot taste sugar or anything sweet
10. The technical word for a cats hairball is bezoar. spelled b e z o a r .
11. first cartoon about any cat was felix the cat in 1919then in 1940 was tom and jerrycats have 230 bones
12. cats spend 1/3 of their time awake groomingcats usually have about 12 whiskers on each side of the facekeep your cats away from garlic, onions, green tomatoes, raw potatoes, chocolates, grapes and raisins
13. cats have 30 teeth
14. cats never meow at other cats, usually just humanscats hiss, purr, and spit at other cats
15. all cats sleep 2/3 of the dayso does that mean a 9 year old cat has been awake for 3 years????if they are sleeping 75% of the time
16. cats hate water because their fur does not insulate well
17. cats can see in dim light and have a wide peripheral view but cant see color as good as humans
18. scientists believe grass appears red to cats
19. the little hairs inside a cats ear helps keep out dirt, directs sounds into the ear and insulate the ears. they are called ear furnishings.
20. using the angle of the sunlight to find their way home, the ability of cats to find their way home is called psi-traveling
21. fattest cat in the world recorded, a tabby from queensland australia, weighed around 47lbs and died at the age of ten
22. oldest cat alive was cremepuff from austin, texas. lived from 61' to 05'. 3 days after her 38th birthday it died.
23 High Falls : Cats can Survive High Falls In a 1987 study of 132 cats brought to a New
York City emergency veterinary clinic afterfalls from high-rise buildings,
90% of treated cats survived and only 37%needed emergency treatment to keep them alive.
One that fell 32 stories onto concrete sufferedonly a chipped tooth and a collapsed lung
and was released after 48 hours
24. Acoustic KittyAcoustic Kitty was a CIA project launched
by the Directorate of Science & Technology,which in the 1960s intended to use cats to
spy on the Kremlin andSoviet embassies. In an hour-long procedure
a veterinary surgeon implanted a microphonein the cat's ear canal, a small radio transmitter
at the base ofits skull and a thin wire into its fur.The first Acoustic Kitty mission was to eavesdrop
on two men in a park outside the Soviet compoundon Wisconsin Avenue in Washington, D.C.
The cat was released nearby, but was hit andkilled by a taxi almost immediately.Victor Marchetti, a former CIA officer, said
Project Acoustic Kitty cost about $20 million
25. Cloned CatCC, for "CopyCat" or "Carbon Copy" (born December
22, 2001), is a brown tabby and white domesticshorthair and the first cloned pet.
CC's surrogate mother was a tabby, but hergenetic donor, Rainbow, was a calico domestic
shorthair.The difference in hair coloration between
CC and Rainbow is due to epigenetic re-programming,which normally occurs in a fertilised embryo
before implantation.In September 2006, CC gave birth to four kittens,
two males named Tim and Zip and one femalenamed Tess who were fathered naturally.
One of the kittens, a female, was stillborn.This is the first time a cloned pet has given
birth.CC appears to be free of the cloning-related
health problems that have arisen in some otheranimal clones.
26. World’s Richest Cat
In 2011 a 94-year old Italian heiress passedaway and left her entire $13 million fortune
to her cat, making Tommasothe richest cat in the world (Guinness World
Records-proven) and one of the wealthiestanimals ever!
The heiress, Maria Assunta, was widowed andchildless when she adopted Tommaso, a flea-ridden
stray cat roaming the streets of Rome.In gratitude, Tommaso became her loving and
devoted companion. Thus, when Ms. Assuntadied,
she apparently felt Tommaso deserved her entireestate.
27. Cat as Joint Leader
A cat named Catmando born in 1995, servedas joint leader of Britain's Official Monster
RavingLoony Party from 1999 to 2002, along with
his owner, Howling Laud Hope. He is the onlycat ever to have led a
political party.Following the 1999 death of the party's founder,
Screaming Lord Sutch, the Official MonsterRaving Loony Party held a leadership election
with Alan "Howling Laud"Hope (who was then the party's chairman and
deputy leader) and Catmando as the only twocandidates. The vote was a tie, with Hope
andCatmando each receiving 125 votes. Hope, as
the party chairman, had the deciding vote,and decided that he and Catmando should serve
asjoint leaders.As joint leader, Catmando oversaw the greatest
electoral performance the Official MonsterRaving Loony Party had seen to date, fielding
15 candidates in the2001 general election. Catmando served as
joint leader until his death as a result ofa traffic accident in July 2002. Hope
then became the party's sole leader.Following Catmando's death, the party proposed
that there should be cat-crossings at allmajor roads.
28. Cat Nose Prints
Cat nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints.Take a close look at your cat’s nose. You
will notice little bumps and ridges.The prints are unique to each individual animal
and can be used for identification, just like your fingerprints can.
Cats could be scanned when we adopt them and keep those scans on file for comparison if
our pets should ever become lost or stolen.
This would be less costly than the micro chip,and less painful as well.
29. Toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis : An infection caused by a single-celledparasite named Toxoplasma gondii that may
invade tissues and damagethe brain, especially of the fetus and newborn.The parasite Toxoplasma gondii is very common
(more than 60 million people in the US carryit) but few are aware of it
because the immune system often keeps theparasite from causing illness.The usual symptoms of toxo are similar to
flu with fever, fatigue, headache, and muscleaches and pains (myalgia) that
may last for a few days to several weeks.Toxo can be contracted by touching the hands
to the mouth after gardening, cleaning a cat'slitter box, or anything that
came into contact with cat feces. If a womanis pregnant when she is infected, the parasite
can cross the placenta fromher to the baby with sometimes catastrophic
30. Cats Never Forgive Scientists have observed conciliatory behavior
in many different animal species; the bulkof the research has been on primates
like bonobos, mountain gorillas, and chimps,who often follow confrontations with friendly
behavior like embracing or kissing.Scientists have observed similar behaviors
in non-primates like goats and hyenas; theonly species that has so far failed to show
outward signs of reconciliation are domesticcats.
31. Chocolate Poisoning in Cats
Cats can get sick or even die from eatingchocolate.Chocolate contains naturally occurring methylxanthines
known as theobromine. The concentration oftheobromine is toxic to cats.
Different kinds of chocolate contain differentlevels. Cooking chocolate and cocoa contains
the highest levels of theobromine,followed by dark chocolate, milk chocolate
and white chocolate.Eating chocolate can causeabnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures,
and death.
32. AstrocatBefore humans actually went into space, one
of the prevailing theories of the perils ofspace flight was that humans
might not be able to survive long periodsof weightlessness.
For several years, there had been a seriousdebate among scientists about the effects
of prolonged weightlessness.American and Russian scientists utilized animals
- mainly monkeys, chimps ,dogs and cats - inorder to test each country's ability to launch
a living organism into space and bring itback alive and unharmed.On October 18, 1963, French scientists launched
the first cat into space on a Veronique AGIsounding rocket No. 47.
The cat, named Félicette, was successfullyretrieved after a parachute descent, but a
second feline flight on October 24 ran intodifficulties that prevented recovery.
33. Prior to the 1750s, there were no cats in the Americas. They were brought from Europeas pest controllers in the 1750s.They are America's most popular pet:
34. Cats were known in Ancient Egypt as "Mau,"
and were considered sacred in ancient Egyptiansociety. When cats died, Ancient Egyptians
shaved off their eyebrows to mourn their deaths.
35. Only 11.5% of people consider themselves “cat
people.” Cat people are also 11% more likelyto be introverted.
36. Cat owners are 17% more
likely to have a graduate degree.
37. Each night at Disneyland, after the park closes,
the park fills up again – only this time,it’s with hundreds of feral cats. The cats
are let loose to help control the mouse population.
38. are 88 million cats kept as pets compared to 74 million dogs. In fact, 30.4% of American
households own a cat, and 84% of those cats are spayed or neutered.Sadly, there are sixty million feral cats
living on the streets in the USA today.55% of all household cats in the US are overweight,
but only 9% of their owners know that.The most popular female name for a cat in
the US is Chloe and the most popular namefor a male cat is Max.
39. Unbeknownst to most of us, the CIA spent $20
million in the 1960s training cats to spyon the Soviets. The first spy cat was hit
by a taxi.And some cats have even entered politics!
40. cats have powerful night vision, allowing
them to see at light levels six times lowerthan what a human needs in order to see.
Thank you for reading hope you have learnt these amazing facts of cat and don't forget to share with your friends,family etc
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