- Get read to learn some more random knowledge about the world that we live in !
Because here are #50 amazing facts to blow your mind !
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- In 2015, Croatia launched a program called Fresh Startwhich wiped away debt for 60,000 low income Croatianswho had been struggling to pay their bills,in an effort to boost consumer confidence and spending.The state, along with firms and banks,agreed to forgive up to 60,000 kunaor 8,830 dollars per individual.Most Americans are supposed to voluntarilydeclare and pay state tax on goodsthat have been bought online from out of state.Accountants and tax lawyers are some ofthe only people who actually pay it.
- After the second world war, crystal methwas prescribed as a diet aid and remained legalright up until the 1970s.I lost like 10 pounds !
- In 1936, the founder of Adidas, in an attemptto market his shoes, drove to the Olympicsand persuaded US sprinter Jessie Owens to wear them.Following Owens' win of four medals globally,letters came in from other national teamsinterested in buying their shoes.By World War 2, they were selling 200,000 pairs a year.
- In 1932, Winston Churchill received a prescription for alcohol in order to get around the American prohibition.After being hit by a car in New York City,his doctor concluded that the solution to what ailed the future prime ministerwas nothing less than six shots of alcohol at every meal.Although he was allowed toconsume even more if he wanted to.
- Hundreds of thousands of books on Amazonhave been written by bots.They include specialized technical and business reports,language dictionaries, and even crossword puzzle booksfor learning foreign languages.
- Philip M. Parker, a professor of marketing,created the computer system that can write these books in about 20 minutes.
- The Second Chance Coffee company in Illinoisconducts FBI background checks to make sure that those seeking employment in the company have actually been to prison, because the company only hires ex-inmates.
- Rabbits eat their own poop every day.They produce special poop called cecotropes,or night feces, which are nutrient richand are passed out of thebody like normal stool,but are a little different.They can later be re-ingested by the rabbit safelyso that important nutrients can be reabsorbed.
- The menstrual pad, when it was first invented,used to be held up by a belt.
- NASA's internet is 91 gigabits per second.Which is about 13,000 times fasterthan the average internet speed.For comparison, the average broadband connection speed in the United States is about 6.6 megabits per second.They're able to accomplish this becausethey operate on what's called a shadow network.It's like the internet, but only connects a few research facilitiesand organizations worldwide.
- A Cornell food and brand lab study of 497 dinersshowed that patrons who order their dinner from a heavy server ordered significantly more food,were four times morelikely to order desert,and ordered 17% more alcohol.
- In November of 2015, Nestle admitted thatthey used slave labor in the production ofit's Fancy Feast cat food brand in Thailand.
- Novice climbers are not allowed to climb Mount Everestaccording to joint-secretary of Nepal's Ministry of Tourism.In order to qualify to climb it,you are required to have reached the peak ofat least one 6,500 meter mountain in your lifetime.
- Scientists have discovered that there are actually five tastes or senses that your tongue and recognize.They are sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami.Parmesan cheese is an example of umami.
- From 2010 to 2015, taco bell secretly reducedthe sodium content in 33 menu itemsby 33%, and nobody noticed.
- The Starbucks logo in Saudi Arabiais just a floating crown.This is because, believe it or not,the original logo featuring a mermaidis far too raunchy to be displayedin the deeply religious and conservative part of the world.
- Apple Computers was actually formedby three people, not two.Ronald Wayne was the third co-founder,but in less than a couple weeks,he pulled out of the company, and onApril 12th, 1976, Wayne sold his10% equity in the company for $800.Today, that stake in the companywould be worth 62.93 billion dollars.(retches) Oh God, that just makes me sick.
- Phytophotodermatitis, often referred to asmargarita dermatitis, or lime disease,not to be confused with Lyme disease with a Y,is a toxic reaction resulting fromcitric acid mixed with sunlight.It can cause second degree burns and is very painful.
- Because Alaska has as much as 20 hours of sunshine per day,they are able to grow gigantic produce,including 62 kilogram cabbages,29 kilogram cantaloupes, and 16 kilogram broccoli.
- According to National Geographic,the beelzebufo ampinga,or the devil frog, may be thelargest frog that ever existed.These extinct beach ball sized amphibiansgrew to almost half a meter longand weighed approximately 4.5 kilograms.On March 26th, 1976,
- Queen Elizabeth sent her first email.The message was transmitted over ARPANET,the forerunner for the modern internet.She is considered the first head of stateto have used electronic mail.
- In the late 1990s, the Coca Cola companybegan testing a vending machine that couldautomatically raise prices for it's drinks in hot weather.
- Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a television for three hours.
- The opposite of deja vu is Jamais vu.It's a French word meaning never seen.It's a feeling or experience when a person knows or recognizes a situation,but still feels very unfamiliar and unknown to them.
- The fear of clowns is called coulrophobia,and has increased significantly over the last 20 years due to their portrayal in popular culture and the recent scary clown phenomenon where people have been dressing up as clowns to scare others.(clown laugh)
- The blue whale is one of the loudest animals on the planet.They emit a series of pulses, groans, and moans,and in good conditions, can be heard up to 1,600 kilometers away.
- According to Guinness World Records,the largest female afro measures 18.5 centimeters high,19.6 centimeters wide, and 132.1 centimeters in circumference, and was achieved by Eva Douglas in New Orleans on October 4th, 2010.Yeah, I'm working on getting that record too.
- According to new research published inthe Journal of Computers and Human Behavior,the act of fubbing or phone snubbingis a very real epidemic in the United States.
- Fubbing is the act of snubbing someone in a social situationby looking down at your phone instead ofpaying attention to them, and can damage your relationships and even lead to severe depressionand lower rates of life satisfaction.
- If your parents or grandparents have a history of multiple cavities or dentures at an early age,you have a higher risk of the same thing due to genetics.
- Frogs can't swallow with their eyes open.
- The sea anemone looks like a beautiful flower,but it is really a sea creature that uses venom-laden tentacles to stab passing victims with paralyzing neurotoxin, rendering them helpless.
- The word proly, the informal pronunciation of probably,originated in the 1940s.Unlike other planets that take their names from Greek mythology,
- Uranus' moonsare named after characters in Shakespeare's plays.These include Umbriel, Cordelia, and Ariel.
- In rural China, hiring strippers to perform at funerals was a common practice in order to attract mourners.It wasn't until 2015 that it was finally banned.
- Thousands of microscopic mites live on your face right now.There are two species, demodex folliculorum,that reside in your pores and hair follicles,and D. brevis that settle deeperin the oily sebaceous glands in your face.
- An average elephant can hold and storefour liters of water in it's trunk.
- Large dogs age faster and die younger than small dogs.And scientists are still uncertain why this is.
- Dinosaurs often used to swallow large rocks.These rocks stayed in their stomach and helped them grind up food.
- The indigenous Sami people of Norwayhave a tradition of castrating reindeer with their teeth.
- Military commandos in Lebanon eat live snakes,a tradition that displays their strength and daring.
- Thousands of condoms were issued to soldiers for D-Day.Most of them were used to keep their rifles dry.
- Snow monkeys in Japan entertain themselvesby making snowballs.
- Russian criminals used to get tattoos bearing the images of Lenin and Stalin because it was a commonly held belief that Communist firing squads were not permitted to shoot at an image of their leaders.
- Gabe Belfiore of Cortex, Colardobuilt the Dog Gone vacuum truck.It's used to suck prairie dogs out of their burrows.
- Teratoma tumors can grow hair, teeth, organs,and limbs, and scientists have no idea why they form.Okay that's just nasty.
- The average person blinks about 12 times per minute.That's about 10,000 blinks on average, per day.PS, you are now manually blinking.Yes, you are aware that you are blinking.It's annoying, I know.
- A kitchen faucet would need to be turned on all the way for at least 45 years to equal the amount of blood pumped by the heart in the average lifetime.
- The University of Southern Queensland found that facial hair can block up to 95%of the sun's harmful UV rays.That goes a long way inprotecting you from cancer.Look at that, so much protection.
- In ostriches' powerful long legs,can cover three to five meters in a single stride.Their legs can also be formidable weapons.In fact an ostrich's kick can kill a humanor a potential predator like a lion.
- The deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal in Siberia.It's over 1,641 meters deep, and is alsothe most voluminous fresh water lake on Earth,containing nearly 20% of the world's unfrozen fresh water.
And those were 50 amazing facts ! Now you guys know just a little bit more about this world. and tell me the comment section what do you think about these facts and ,Don't forget to share this with your friends.
Have a nice Day .